木兰科 Magnoliaceae
木莲属 Manglietia
乔木,高达8米,胸径18厘米;树皮灰褐色;枝黄褐色;除外芽鳞被金黄色平伏柔毛外余无毛。叶革质,倒披针形、狭倒卵状长圆形或狭长圆形,长8-14厘米,宽2.5-4厘米,先端稍弯的尾状渐尖或渐尖,基部阔楔形或楔形,上面深绿色,下面淡灰绿色;中脉平坦或稍凹,侧脉每边8-12 (14) 条,纤细;边缘稍背卷;叶柄长1-3厘米,上面具渐宽的沟;托叶痕长3-4毫米。花梗长1.5-2厘米,直径约4毫米,具1环苞片脱落痕;花被片9,3轮,外轮3片带绿色,薄革质,倒卵状长圆形,长约4厘米,宽约2厘米,中轮与内轮肉质,纯白色,中轮倒卵形,长约2.5厘米,宽约2厘米,内轮3片狭倒卵形,长约3厘米,宽约1厘米;雄蕊长4-7毫米,花药长3-5毫米,药隔伸出成近半圆形的尖头,长约1毫米;雌蕊群椭圆状卵圆形,长1.3-1.8厘米,下部心皮狭椭圆形,长7-8毫米,具3-5条纵棱,上部露出面具乳头状凸起,花柱长1-1.5毫米。聚合果卵圆形,熟时褐色,长2.5-3.5厘米。花期5月,果期9-10月。
产于安徽(黄山)、浙江南部、江西、福建、湖南南部、广东北部(乳源)。生于海拔700-1 200米的林中。
Trees, to 25 m tall, to 45 cm d.b.h. Bark pale grayish brown. Young twigs and vegetative buds reddish brown pubescent, later glabrescent. Stipular scar semi-elliptic, 3-5 mm. Petiole 1-3(-4.5) cm, base slightly swollen; leaf blade narrowly obovate, narrowly elliptic-obovate, or rarely narrowly elliptic, 8-17(-20) × 2.5-5.5(-9.5) cm, leathery or thinly leathery, abaxially sparsely reddish brown pubescent, secondary veins 8-17 on each side of midvein, reticulate veins conspicuous or inconspicuous on both surfaces when dry, base cuneate and decurrent along petiole, margin slightly involute and wavy or not wavy, apex acute to acuminate. Peduncle 5-11(-40) × 4-10 mm, with 1 annular bract scar, with or without reddish brown pubescence. Tepals 9, 3 per whorl, white; outer 3 tepals slightly thinner, oblong-elliptic, broadly ovate or obovate, 5-7 × 3-4 cm, nearly leathery; tepals of inner 2 whorls obovate, 4-6 × 2-3 cm, usually fleshy. Stamens red, ca. 1 cm; connective forming an obtuse mucro; anthers ca. 8 mm. Gynoecium 1.5-2.5 cm, smooth; carpels 18-32, basal ones 5-10 × 3-5 mm, middle ones ca. 5 mm wide on exposed side; ovules 5-10 per carpel; styles inconspicuous or to 1 mm. Fruit brown, ovoid to ellipsoid-ovoid, 2-6 cm; mature carpels with dot-protuberance on exposed side, apex with or without a ca. 1 mm beak. Seeds slightly flat, 7-8 × 5-6 mm; testa red. Fl. Apr-May, fr. Sep-Oct. Hills, forests, beside rivers; 300-1200 m. S Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hunan, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Vietnam]. This species is used medicinally and for timber.----from “Flora of China”